The TripIt team is always looking for ways to make travel less stressful. We know the importance of staying connected to friends, family, and colleagues while you’re traveling, so we’ve created several ways to help you share travel plans using TripIt.

Sharing your TripIt itinerary via iOS is just one of five ways to let your friends, family, or colleagues know your travel plans.
Share travel plans from the TripIt app
Just click the share icon on your itinerary to share your travel plans via text or email. No more copying and pasting the details about when you’re arriving or where you’re staying.
You can also select individual (or multiple) trip plans within a TripIt itinerary and send them via text, Slack, WhatsApp, or your favorite messaging app, as shown above.
When you share, you can choose from three different levels of access:
- Traveler: Someone who is going on the trip and can collaborate on the trip details.
- Planner: Someone who is not going on the trip but can help to organize the trip details.
- Viewer: Someone who can see the details of your trip but can’t change or add to them.
Share your travel plans from TripIt.com
You can share your trip from the TripIt website in two ways:
- Private invitation: On the itinerary page of your trip, click “add” and enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to share your trip with. Next, choose if you’d like them to be a traveler, viewer, or planner of the trip.
- Public link: You can generate a unique link/URL that will let anyone with access to the link view your trip. This method is helpful if you want to post your trip on your blog or in some other forum, where any member of the public could view your itinerary. Because trips contain travel dates and flight numbers, use public URL sharing cautiously.
Share itineraries with your Inner Circle
As a TripIt Pro member, you can select the people in your Inner Circle, and we’ll do the sharing for you. No more forwarding, texting, or calling required.
- You can add and remove contacts, as well as edit permissions, all from the TripIt app.
- New trips are shared to your Inner Circle as soon as they’re posted in your account.
- When you’d prefer not to share travel plans, simply select “Do not share with Inner Circle” when creating the trip.
Share travel plans directly from Messages in iOS
TripIt for iMessage makes sharing travel plans as easy as sending a text. You can send all or part of your travel plans through iMessage to other users.
- If plans change or if an element is added, TripIt refreshes those plans—ensuring everyone in the conversation has the latest information.
- When TripIt Pro users share flight information, anyone receiving that information will be able to check the status of the flight without leaving Messages.
Share your travel plans on social media
Sharing trips to your social network is the easiest way to get travel advice, like where to eat, what to see, and what to do. And sharing can help you coordinate with friends in the same city as you.
Create a shareable link for social media by simply clicking the Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn icon on the itinerary page of your trip.